Friday, July 23, 2010

♥ Letters to Juliet

I realized that almost all the posts I wrote before are about food but today I wanna write about something else. I have watched the trailer of Letters to Juliet many times and after watching the video about making the movie makes me wanna watch this movie even more! It is gonna be out in a week and I just can't wait.

I am very into this kind of love story - so pure hearted and touching. Dear John is one of my all time favorites. Its about a story between a soldier and college student which touches the deepest part of my heart and makes me miss my dear John even more!

I always wonder why do all the most famous love stories (literature/movie) have a heart breaking ending? Is it because happy ending is not as romantic? To me, they are not romantic at all. Indeed, they are purely tragic and when it comes to reality there is nothing romantic about it.

All the classic love stories such as Juliet and Romeo and Titanic end with death and they are known as the most romantic stories of all time. I'd rather to have a less dramatic experience and being able to simply spend my life with the person I love. I don't need "life or death" to prove my love. I just want to live life and experience love in the most pure hearted and simple way.

Juliet's balcony

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